GUI translation

Step 1

Find the translation file (*.ts) you want to edit, which you can find at the following URL:

Step 2

Open the translation file with text editor and add translations for each English word. Please refer to List 1 and List 2.

List 1 *.ts before editing
  <source>Animation ToolBar</source>
  <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
List 2 *.ts after editing
  <source>Animation ToolBar</source>

What you should do is as follows:

  1. Delete “type=unfinished”

  2. Add translated text between <translation> and </translation>

  3. Save the file

Step 3

Compile “*.ts” file using “lrelease.exe”

You should install Qt SDK to get lrelease.exe. See Appendix for detail.

  1. Launch “Qt 5.15.2 (MSVC 2019 64-bit)” from menu below:

    [Windows Start Menu] –> [Qt]

  2. Move to the folder which contains “*.ts” file.

  3. Execute the following command.

lrelease.exe (dictionary file name)

After you execute the command, you’ll see that *.qm is created in the same folder.

Step 4

You can check the translated text in the iRIC GUI by the following steps:

  1. Remove all dictionary files in (iRIC install folder)/guis/prepost/languages

  2. Copy the *.qm file you’ve compiled with Step 3 to the folder above.

  3. Switch the language from the menu Option -> Preference

  4. Restart iRIC GUI